【PC & Quest】「鉄薔薇の騎士ファルロサ」VRChatアバター3.0用3Dモデル Falrosa the Knightess of IronRose 3Dmodel for VRChat Avatar3.0
- ダウンロード商品Falrosa_v2-0¥ 4,500
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主にVRChat用アバターとしての利用を想定した、セットアップ済み3Dモデルです。 VRChatへのアバターアップロード方法の基本を理解している方向けです。 基本はPC向けですが、機能を限定したQuest版アバターも同梱しています。 下記の仕様に対応しており、全てPrefab設定済みです。 - ParticleSystemやアニメーションによる必殺技演出15種類 - ExpressionsMenuによる武装レベルの変更(鎧の着脱等)、表情の固定、剣と盾のON/OFFその他。 - 6種類のカラースキン - フルボディトラッキング対応 - lipSync対応 - Eye Look対応 - Gesture Layer用のオリジナルのHandsign設定 - FX Layer用の表情アニメーション設定 (lipSyncとEye Lookの干渉対策済み) - PhysBone及びcolliderによる、髪の毛や鞭剣等の揺れもの設定 - 必殺技完全版 [Full SPMove Edition] 必殺技演出15種類が仕様可能なEditionです。 また兜の着脱等の操作がEXメニューを使わずにジェスチャによって可能です。 Performance Rankを気にしない方はこちら。 - 必殺技制限版 [Limited SPMove Edition] Performance Rankを「Poor」に抑えたい方はこちら。 共通技2種類と固有技2~3種類がハンドサインに組み込まれたEditionです。 固有技はカラースキンごとに異なります。 ※PerformanceRankの判定結果は2024/5/6現在のものです。
★☆★ 試着用Worldあります ★☆★
試着用World「霊王騎士教会」でお試しいただけます。 ワールドの正面にあるのは最新作「レーヴァリッサ」のペデスタルです。本作ファルロサのペデスタルはその右手側にあります。 https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_bef8cf7f-e314-4162-8f11-26c441bb48d4 Trial avatars is here. 製作工程はTwitterで公開しております。 The production process is available on Twitter. https://twitter.com/scramasax/status/1785725399382757782
2021/12/4より開催のバーチャルマーケット2021 「始まりの街アルメア 麦秋の迎え」ワールド最奥部にサンプルアバター(旧版v1-4)出展させていただきました。 2022/3/12開催のファッションショー、Virtual Collection stage3にファルロサ(v1-4)を出展させていただきました。 https://youtu.be/ukLFpUI8gJY?t=2111 アクター:チルル様 @Chirurium
1.VRChat Creator Companion(VCC)を導入後、新規で「Avatars」の Projectを作成してください。 2.本商品に同梱したシェーダー「lilToon」のUnityPackageを読み込ませてください。 3.本商品「Falrosa_v○-○.unitypackage」を読み込ませてください。 4.お好みのPrefabをアバターとしてアップロードすればお使いいただけます。 Prefabは [ Assets > Falrosa > _Prefab ] にあります。 または [ Assets > Falrosa > FalrosaSampleScene]からPrefab全種を一覧できます。 VRChatアバターとしてのアップロード、改変、一部パーツのみの利用、自作Worldのオブジェクトとしての利用等が可能。 詳しくは同梱されている利用規約をご参照ください。
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※DLページで旧バージョンのデータを非公開にしている場合がありますが 旧版ご希望の際は購入したBoothアカウントからお問い合わせください 購入履歴で当商品の正規ユーザーであることの確認が取れ次第、ご希望の旧版データをお送りします ■■■ v2-0 2022/5/6 ■■■ 【バージョン更新の際のご注意】 今回大幅に変更が加わるため新規Projectを作成することをお勧めします。 Note on version updates. Recommend that you create a new Project due to the significant changes in this version. 【機能の追加・基本設計の変更】 - 納剣状態の剣の柄を握って引き抜くと、Contactsギミックにより抜剣できるようにしました。 - 兜を左手で掴むと兜が着脱できるようになった他、バイザーの上下移動や兜を手放す、出現させるなどの行動を、ExMenuだけでなくジェスチャでも行えるようにしました。 - ExMenuに表情固定機能を追加しました。以前のバージョンの、必殺技使用可能時にデフォルト表情に自動固定される仕様は削除しました。 - 必殺技の発動条件を変更し、Contactsギミックにより剣を振ったり突いたりすることで発動するようになりました。 - 必殺技を追加し、基本の必殺技11種と、奥義(追加入力による派生技)4種類が使用可能となりました。 - 必殺技などの発動方法がより直感的にわかるように、チュートリアルシステムを追加しました。 - ExMenuに反射風景のフォールバック機能を追加しました。金属反射の色がおかしく見えるWorldでは、この機能を有効化すると改善することがあります。 - 基本のシェーダーをlilToonに変更。それに伴い一部のテクスチャマスクを追加・変更しました。 - 機能変更がない部分に関しても、WriteDefaultがOffで動作するようにAnimationControllerを組み直しました。 各機能の詳細や操作方法に関して詳しくは説明書をお読みください。 【見た目の変更】 - 髪型がより女性的な印象になる「Hair_v2」シェイプキーを追加しました。キーの値はデフォルトで「100」で、無効化するとv1の見た目に近づきます。 - 髪型のボリューム変更に伴うルックのバランス調整としてHeadのサイズを5%縮小しました。 - 兜装着時、貫通対策として毛量が減る仕様がありましたが、「Hair_v2」ではこれを軽減してより多くの髪の毛が見えるように修正しました。 - 下まつげを追加しました。シェイプキーにより非表示可も可能です。 - 閉じ目のシェイプキー(Eye_Close、Eye_Smile、Blink)の形を調整しました。 - 顔の法線を調整し、ライトが側面から当たったときに顔の中心に影の境界線が現れやすいように調整しました。また、特定環境で顎部分に発生していた不恰好な影が出にくくなりました。 【その他細かい修正・仕様変更】 - 「SemiArmed-Equipment」のテクスチャに不要な透明度が設定されていたのを修正しました。 - 腰マントのポリゴンの分割数を増やし、座りポーズ等でのシルエットの滑らかさを向上しました。 - 胸甲や腿当てを外した状態でのチェインメイルの着ぶくれを若干増やしました。 - Animationの初期状態がこれまで「武装形態 / 抜剣状態」であったのを、「武装形態(兜無)/ 納剣状態」に変更しました。 - 必殺技エフェクトのマテリアルを変更し、より発光している印象にしました。 - 体が消える必殺技を使った際に、体の部位ごとに消えるタイミングに微差が発生していた問題を修正しました。 - 既存の必殺技にも効果音を追加したり、表現の変更をしました。 - Avatar DescriptorのColliders設定を適正化しました。 - カラーリング変更:「帝国の女騎士」の剣の刃を銀色に、「黒薔薇の魔剣士」の剣の刃を赤色に変更しました。 [Addition of new functions and changes to basic design] - The sword can now be pulled out by the Contacts gimmick when the handle of a sword in the delivered sword state is grasped and pulled out. - The left hand can now be used to put on and take off the helmet by grabbing it with the left hand, and actions such as moving the visor up and down, releasing the helmet, and making the helmet appear can now be performed using gestures as well as the ExMenu. - A fixed facial expression function has been added to the ExMenu. The automatic fixation to the default facial expression when a special move is available has been removed from previous versions. - Changed the activation conditions for special moves so that they are now activated by swinging or poking the sword with the Contacts gimmick. - Special Moves have been added, with 11 basic Special Moves and 4 derivative Moves (with additional input) now available. - A tutorial system has been added so that players can more intuitively understand how to activate special moves. - A fallback function for reflected scenery has been added to the ExMenu. In World where the color of metal reflections looks strange, activating this function may improve the situation. - Changed the basic shader to lilToon. Some texture masks were added or changed accordingly. - Re-arranged AnimationController to work with WriteDefault Off, even if there is no change in functionality. Please read the manual for details on each function and how to operate them. [Appearance changes] - A "Hair_v2" shape key was added to make the hair style more feminine. The key value is "100" by default, and when disabled, it approaches the v1 look. - Reduced the size of the Head by 5% to balance the look with the change in hairstyle volume. - When wearing a helmet, the hair volume was reduced as an anti-penetration measure. "Hair_v2" has been modified to reduce this and allow more hair to be seen. - Lower eyelashes have been added. They can be hidden by using the shape key. - Adjusted the shape of the closing eye shape keys (Eye_Close, Eye_Smile, Blink). - Adjusted the face normals so that the shadow boundary is more likely to appear in the center of the face when the light hits it from the side. In addition, the awkward shadow that used to appear on the chin in certain environments has been made less likely to appear. [Other minor fixes and specification changes] - Unnecessary transparency in the "SemiArmed-Equipment" texture has been fixed. - The number of polygon divisions for the waist cape has been increased to improve the smoothness of the silhouette in sitting poses. - The chainmaille has been slightly increased when the breastplate and thigh pads are removed. - Animation's initial state has been changed from "Armed / Drawing sword" to "Armed (without helm) / Sheathe sword". - The material of the special move effect has been changed to give a more luminous impression. - Fixed a problem in which when using a special move in which the body disappears, there was a slight difference in the timing of the disappearance of each body part. - Sound effects have been added to existing special moves, and expressions have been changed. - Colliders setting in Avatar Descriptor has been optimized. - Changed coloring: Sword blades of the "Empire Knightess" were changed to silver, and sword blades of the "Darkness Rose" were changed to red.
【ギミック使用時のご注意】 手を大きく広げたり振ったりしても部屋にある物にぶつからないよう十分に空間を確保してください。 コントローラーのストラップやベルトをしっかり締めてください。 ※製作者は注意不足で部屋の蛍光灯を破壊しています! 下記の必殺技発動方法の説明文では前提知識として、 剣を握って構えた時に相手側に向く刃を「表刃」と呼んでいます。 【騎士の構え】 [KnightsArtsStance] 誇り高き一騎打ちでの勝負に長けた技を繰り出す構え。 発動方法:右手ハンドサインをFist・HandGun以外(例:Finger Point)にし続ける。 ※アバター内の操作説明図では簡略的に「右手Finger Point」のみが記載されていますが、正確な仕様としては上記の通りとなります。 - 閃空剣 [SharpSlash] 空に閃く鋭い斬撃。 発動方法:騎士の構えで剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて斬る。 ※「月閃剣」「轟雷剣」の発動条件を満たした場合、そちらが優先される。 - 月閃剣 [CrescentSlash] 三日月の如き横一文字の剣閃にて薙ぎ払う。 発動方法:騎士の構えで剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて真っ直ぐ水平に斬る。 - 轟雷剣 [LightningSlash] 雷のごとく重い一撃で、真っ向の敵を兜ごと叩き割る。 発動方法:騎士の構えで剣の切先を頭上で天に向けた状態から、剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて真っ直ぐ斬り下ろす。 - 狂嵐剣 [SwordStorm] 目にも留まらぬ早業で無数の突きを繰り出す。 発動方法:騎士の構えで剣を真っ直ぐ突き出す。 ※腕全体を使って大きく、ブレることなく真っ直ぐ突くこと。突くスピードはそれほど必要ない。 【蛇薔薇の構え】 [WhipArtsStance] 騎士剣「鉄薔薇」の引き金を引き、剣に備わった特殊機構による奇襲攻撃を狙う構え。 発動方法:右手ハンドサインを「Fist」にしつづける。 - 舞刃剣 [WhipBlade] 空に舞う刃で攻撃。 発動方法:蛇薔薇の構えで剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて斬る。 - 斬獄剣 [TwisterBlade] 竜巻の如く吹きすさぶ刃で切り刻む 発動方法:蛇薔薇の構えで剣を真っ直ぐ突き出す。 ※「蛇影斬獄剣」「覇道無尽剣」の発動条件を満たした場合、そちらが優先される。 - 蛇影斬獄剣 [SerpentTwister] 地中を潜行する「鉄薔薇」が敵の足元から現れて竜巻の如く切り刻む奥義。 発動方法:蛇薔薇の構えで剣の切先を視界前方の地面に向け、真っ直ぐ突き出す。 - 覇道無尽剣 [InfiniteEdges] 迸る闘気により威圧された敵は「間合いの概念」を喪失。無限の刃に追われるかの如く幻を見る。 発動方法:蛇薔薇の構えで剣の切先を天に向け、真っ直ぐ突き出す。 - 覇道無尽剣・大烈風 [InfiniteEdges:DeathStorm] 覇者の闘気により恐慌した敵は、逆巻く烈風の如く舞い上がる刃の奔流を見る。 発動方法:覇道無尽剣の発動中、剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて真っ直ぐ水平に斬る。 【隼風(はやて)の構え】 [FalconicArtsStance] 呼吸法と重心移動、足運びの妙技を極めし剣聖による神速の構え。 発動方法:右手ハンドサインを「Hand Gun」にしつづける。 - 疾風剣 [GaleStrike] 神速の踏み込みにより一瞬で敵を斬り伏せる。 発動方法:隼風の構えで剣を水平方向に真っ直ぐ突き出す。 - 疾風迅雷剣 [GaleLightng] 風の如く神速の踏み込みより、雷の如く一気呵成に剣を打ち込む奥義。 発動方法:疾風剣の発動直後、残像が消えはじめる前に轟雷剣(剣の切先を頭上で天に向けた状態から、剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて真っ直ぐ斬り下ろす)を繰り出すことで発動。 - 閃空羅刹剣 [RagingPhantom] 縦横無尽に神速の斬撃と刺突を繰り出す奥義。 発動方法:疾風剣発動直後、残像が消えはじめる前に月閃剣(剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて真っ直ぐ水平に斬る)を繰り出すことで発動。 ※必殺技制限版 [Limited SPMove Edition]では事前に疾風剣を繰り出す必要はない。 - 円殺剣 [SpinSlash] 高速回転する剣舞で斬り刻む。 発動方法:隼風の構えで剣の表刃で刃筋を立てて斬る。 【逆風(さかて)の構え】 [ReversonicArtsStance] 全身を巡る「風の気」を、刃逆巻く剣舞により刀身に集中させて放たんとする無念無想の構え。 発動方法:円殺剣の発動後、自動的にこの構えが取られる。 - 裂空剣 [AirSlash] 地を這う剣圧を放つ逆袈裟斬り。発動後、剣の持ち方が順手に戻る。 発動方法:逆風(さかて)の構えから、逆手に持った剣で右下から左上に切り上げる。 - 裂空剣・燕返し [DoubleAirSlash] 振り抜いた裂空剣から、さらに返す剣で放たれる剣圧による追撃。 発動方法:「裂空剣」が発動し剣の持ち方が順手に戻った直後に、即座(1.3秒以内)に剣を左下から右上に斬り返す。 -- それぞれアバター内の操作説明図で発動方法を確認できます。 操作説明図は自分の視界にのみ映るため、他人からの見栄えを気にする必要はありません。 またExpressionsMenuから表示OFFにできます。 必殺技制限版 [Limited SPMove Edition]では各カラースキンごとに異なる固有技(後述)が設定されています。 舞刃剣と円殺剣は共通技として全てのカラースキンで使用可能です。 ※武器や必殺技を他プレイヤーに向けるときは、冗談が通じる相手を選びましょう!
Product Specifications
This 3D model is mainly intended to be used as an avatar for VRChat. This is for those who understand the basics of how to upload avatars to VRChat. The basic version is for PC, but a Quest version avatar with limited functionality is also included. Before purchasing, you need to agree to the Terms of Use in English or Japanese. Please download the software from the "利用規約のみ_License only" button and purchase only if you understand and agree to the terms. It supports the following specifications, all of which are already set in Prefab. - 15 types of SPMoves effects using ParticleSystem and animation. - Change armament level (armor on/off, etc.), switch Facial expressions, turn swords and shields on/off using ExpressionsMenu. - 6 different color skins. - Full body tracking is supported. - lipSync support - Eye Look is supported. - Original Handsign settings for Gesture Layer. - Expression animation settings for FX Layer (to prevent interference with lipSync and Eye Look) - PhysBone and collider settings for swaying hair, Whip, etc.
How to Use
1. After installing VRChat Creator Companion (VCC), create a new "Avatars" Project. 2. Load the shader "lilToon" UnityPackage included in this product. 3. Load the "Falrosa_vxx-xx.unitypackage" of this product. 4. Upload your favorite Prefab as avatar and you can use it. Prefab can be found at [ Assets > Falrosa > _Prefab ]. Or [ Assets > Falrosa > FalrosaSampleScene ] for a list of all Prefab types. Can be uploaded as a VRChat avatar, modified, only some parts can be used, or used as an object in your own World. For details, please refer to the included License.
A knight. They are not always looked upon with admiration by the people. An era of peace that lasts for hundreds of years can, on the contrary, corrupt the knightly order and turn them into powerhouses in name only. However, in such times, there were those who carried out the pride of knights with ambition. "The Order of the Iron Rose." This is a close knightly order that once existed directly under the Queen in his exiled country that has left its name in history. Because of its nature as the Queen's bodyguard, it was made up of elite female knights. Dressed in gorgeous armor that reflected the art and culture of the time, they were the envy of the people. However, they never neglected to hone their skills.It is said that once an event occurred, they would use their divine swordsmanship to cut down the undesirables in the blink of an eye. Among the knight captains of the past, there are probably many who know the name "Farlosa". Born into a venerable family of knights, she was close to the royal family from birth. As a child, she grew up as a playmate and chaperone for the princess, who was close to her age.As a child, she grew up as a playmate and chaperone for the princess, who was close to her age. She trained as a knight and devoted her life to the cause of protecting the Lord. This avatar was created based on the literature of the time, in order to recreate the youthful figure of "Farlosa", who was appointed as the leader of the Knights of the Iron Rose at the end of the Kingdom. - Knight Sword "Iron Rose" The sword is decorated with delicate roses. The blade consists of countless short blades connected by a single strand of steel wire, each made of "solitary steel", an alloy that repels and repels each other. When the steel wire is coiled, it behaves as a sword, but when the retractor is pulled, the clasp on the reel is released and the blade disintegrates into a whip-like shape. The transformation mechanism of the Iron Rose was treated as a top military secret at the time, and was not known to the general public. - Slash Pendant A pendant shining on the chest of a plain-clothed Falrosa. The silver bar-shaped pendant top is split diagonally like a slit. The design is such that a blue gemstone can be seen peeking through the gap. The design of the pendant is based on the belief of a knight of the Kingsguard that he will protect his lord, his treasure, even if his armor is shattered. It is said that this was one of the few personal items that she liked and purchased. ---------------------------------------- *The characterization is provided as an aid in developing an image of the product, They are not intended to restrict the purchaser's use of the product. Please use them freely within the scope of the Terms of Use. If you do any cool mods, show me!
Special Move List
[Knights Arts Stance 騎士の構え] A stance in which the knight performs techniques that excel in a proud single combat. - Sharp Slash 閃空剣 A sharp slash that flashes in the sky. - Crescent Slash 月閃剣 Cleave with a single horizontal sword flash like a crescent moon. - Lightning Slash 轟雷剣 With a strike as heavy as lightning, the sword smashes the enemy's helmet in front of it. - Sword Storm 狂嵐剣 The sword is used to deliver countless thrusts in a blindingly fast motion. [Whip Arts Stance 蛇薔薇の構え] A stance in which the knight pulls the trigger of the sword "Iron Rose", aiming for a surprise attack with the sword's special mechanism. - Whip Blade 舞刃剣 Attacks with a blade that dances in the air. - Twister Blade 斬獄剣 Cut with a blade that blows like a tornado. - Serpent Twister 蛇影斬獄剣 The "Serpent Twister" is a deep technique in which a subterranean "iron rose" emerges from beneath the enemy's feet and slices through the enemy like a tornado. - Infinite Edges 覇道無尽剣 The enemy, intimidated by the gushing fighting spirit, loses the "concept of timing. The enemy sees an illusion as if pursued by an infinite blade. - Infinite Edges: Death Storm 覇道無尽剣・大烈風 The enemy, panicked by the fighting spirit of the champion, sees a torrent of blades soaring like a gale. [Falconic Arts Stance 隼風の構え] A stance of divine speed by a sword saint who has mastered the art of breathing, shifting the center of gravity, and moving the feet. - Gale Strike 疾風剣 The sword is cut down in an instant by stepping forward at divine speed. - Gale Lightng 疾風迅雷剣 The sword is thrust with a lightning-like swiftness, as if it were a lightning bolt. - Raging Phantom 閃空羅刹剣 This is a technique for unleashing a lightning-quick slash and thrust in all directions. - Spin Slash 円殺剣 Slash with a high-speed spinning sword dance. [Reversonic Arts Stance 逆風の構え] This is a stance in which the "Kaze no Ki" (wind energy) that circulates throughout the body is concentrated in the blade of the sword through a sword dance in which the blade swirls in opposite directions, and is released without thought. - Air Slash 裂空剣 This is a reverse kesa zari (slash in reverse) that releases sword pressure that crawls on the ground. After activation, the sword is held in the forward hand. - Double Air Slash 裂空剣・燕返し The sword is swung out, and the sword is returned to the opponent's hand to deliver a sword pressure blow. -- You can see how to activate each of them in the Instructions in your avatar. The Instructions is visible only in your view. You can also turn off the display from the ExpressionsMenu. In the Limited SPMove Edition, each color skin has a different set of special moves (see below). Whip Blade and Spin Slash are common moves that can be used in all skins. *When pointing a weapon or magic at another player, choose someone you can joke with!
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본 상품은 VRChat용 아바타로서의 이용을 상정한 세팅이 되어있는 3D모델입니다. VRChat로의 기본적인 아바타 업로드 방법을 알고 있는 분을 대상으로 한 상품입니다. 구입하시기 전에 일본어 혹은 영어, 내지는 한국어로 된 이용규약에 동의하실 필요가 있습니다. 「利用規約のみ(이용규약 파일) License only」을 다운로드 하셔서 내용을 확인하신 후 구입해 주세요. 이 상품 설명문의 일부는 친구에게 의뢰하여 번역한 것으로, 모델 제작자 본인은 한국어를 전혀 모릅니다. 한국어로 작성된 질문에는 답변드릴 수 없는 점 양해 부탁드립니다.
사용 방법
유니티에서 새로운 프로젝트를 만든 뒤, 본 상품의 UnityPackage를 임포트하여 Prefab을 업로드하시면 VRChat에서 아바타의 모든 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다. Prefab은 [ assets > Falrosa > _Prefab ] 안에 들어있습니다. 또는 [ assets > Falrosa > FalrosaSampleScene]에서 모든 종류의 Prefab을 볼 수 있습니다.
무인검 [철장미]를 채찍처럼 변형시켜 후려치는 공격. 원살검 고속으로 회전하는 검무로 잘게 썬다. 광람검 눈으로 포착할 수 없는 속도로 무수한 찌르기를 내지른다. GaleStrike 질풍검 질풍같은 속도로 파고들어 순식간에 적을 베어 쓰러뜨린다. 파공검 지면으로 검압을 방출해 지면에서 베어 올라가는 역(逆)가사베기. 패도무진검 날뛰는 투기에 위압당한 적은 「간격의 개념」을 상실한다. Serpent Twister 사영참옥검 땅 속을 잠행하는 「철장미」에 의한 기습공격. 섬공나찰검 종횡무진 이어지는 신속의 연속 참격 오의. -- 필살기 완전판[Full SPMove Edition]의 Prefab을 착용하여 기술 각각의 발동 방법을 기술표에서 보실 수 있습니다. 기술표는 ExpressionsMenu에서 숨길 수 있습니다. 필살기 제한판 [Limited SPMove Edition]에서는 오른손 RockNRoll, HandGun, ThumbsUp으로 필살기가 발동됩니다. ThumbsUp엔ㄴ 각 컬러 스킨별로 다른 기술이 설정되어 있습니다. ※다른 플레이어에게 무기를 향하거나 필살기 연출을 사용할 때에는, 반드시 상대가 괜찮은지 확인하고 사용해주세요! 영화: https://youtu.be/B24lo-Ckvvo
캐릭터 콘셉트
기사. 그것은 꼭 민중이 동경을 갖고 바라보는 존재만은 아니다. 수백 년이나 이어진 평화로운 시대라는 것은, 자칫 기사단이라는 존재를 타락시켜 이름뿐인 권력자들로 바꾸어 버린다. 하지만 그런 시대라 할지언정, 뜻을 가지고 기사의 긍지를 관철하는 자들도 존재했다. ――역사에 망국으로서 이름을 남긴 국가의, 과거 실존했던 여왕 직속의 근위기사단의 이름이다. 여왕의 호위라는 임무의 성질 상 구성원들은 정예 여기사들이었다. 당시의 문화예술이 반영된 미려한 갑옷을 두른 그녀들은, 민중들이 선망하는 대상이기도 했다. 그러나 그 기술을 연마하는 데에도 태만하지 않아, 무슨 일이 생기더라도 그 신속의 검기로 눈 깜짝할 사이 수상한 자를 베어 쓰러뜨린다. 역대 기사단장 중에서도 특히 「팔로사」의 이름을 아는 사람이 많으리라. 유서 깊은 기사 가문에서 태어난 그녀는 태어났을 때부터 왕가와 가까웠으며, 어릴 적부터 같은 또래의 왕녀의 놀이 상대 겸 호위로서 길러졌다. 기사로서의 수련을 쌓은 그녀는 주군을 지킨다는 대의에 그 생애를 바쳤다고도 한다. 이번에 제작된 아바타는 왕국 말기에 철장미 기사단장이었던 「팔로사」의 젊은시절의 모습을 재현하여, 당시의 문헌을 토대로 제작되었다. ※캐릭터 설정은 제품에서 느끼는 이미지를 풍부하게 하기 위한 보조 수단으로서 준비한 것으로, 구입자의 이용 용도를 제한하기 위한 것은 아닙니다. 이용규약의 범위 안에서 자유로운 발상을 통해 이용해 주세요. '자유로운 발상'의 예시: 머리 부분의 교체→대환영! 장비품이나 파티클 등 아바타의 일부만을 이용→대환영! 캐릭터의 원래 설정과 현저하게 다른 커스텀→대환영! 자작 월드의 오브젝트로서 이용→대환영!
섬세한 장미 장식이 붙은 검. 그 검신은 한 줄기의 강선으로 연결한 무수한 짧은 날붙이들로 구성되어 있어, 각각의 날붙이가 서로 반발하는 성질을 가진 합금 「고유강」으로 만들어져 있다. 강선이 감겨져 있는 상태에서는 검의 형태로서 사용이 가능하지만, 격철을 당겨 잠금장치가 해제되고 도신이 분해되면 채찍과 같은 형태로 변화하는 비밀 장치가 내장되어 있다. 이 철장미의 변화구조는 당시 최중요군사기밀로서 다루어졌으며, 일반인들이 알 수 없는 것이었다.